Little Books on the Go

Daily devotionals and interactive content on your mobile devices.

Digital offerings

Digital Options Make It Easy to Pray Everywhere

Mobile App

The Little Books App, available at the Google Play store and the Apple App Store, includes daily inspirations during the seasons of Advent/Christmas, Lent and Easter, and a journal to digitally note your thoughts as you pray. Beautiful audio version in English is a big hit with users.


Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble offer eReader versions of our current liturgical seasons. Readers may use any compatible device including phones, tablets and eReaders to access their ebook.

Audio Books and Podcast

New! For our audio book lovers, our seasonal books are now available on Audible.

Sundays with Bishop Ken is our weekly podcast featuring homilies from Bishop Ken Untener's archive. New episodes stream on your favorite platform every week.


Jumpstart your day with faith-based inspirational thoughts and quotes that can be easily shared with love ones - no subscription required.


Available in both English and Spanish, subscribers can enjoy the Little Books' scriptural-based lessons that they know and love from the convenience of their mobile device. 


For subscribers that prefer to listen to each day's reflections, audio recordings are available in English through the app and on Audible.

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