Little Book on the Eucharist


The Little Book on the Eucharist

The Little Book on the Eucharist is 30 reflections to deepen your love of Jesus. Presented in the traditional Little Books' format, the right-side pages feature scripture passages and reflections by Bishop Ken Untener from each of the Gospel writers. On the left are a variety of stories, quotes, information, and timely thoughts to inspire your prayer time.

The reflections offer an opportunity to meditate on the great mystery of the Eucharist, allowing you to experience the depths of Jesus’ love and the gift he gives of himself in Holy Communion.

Content is perfect for whole church catechesis, individual reflection, schools, prayer groups and families.

Nihil Obstat, Daniel Osborn, S.T.D., Censor Librorum, and Imprimatur, +Most Reverend Robert D. Gruss, Bishop of Saginaw.

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